Foundation steps in to help the Guernsey Voluntary Service

Oct 17, 2022

The Guernsey Community Foundation has agreed to cover the cost of the Guernsey Voluntary Service’s general manager for the next two years.

Roy Martel a director of GVS who helped secure the funding via the Foundation’s Grants Programme, said that the general manager – a position held by Mandy Le Bachelet – was essential for the smooth running of the charity’s day-to-day services. “We couldn’t function without her,” he said.

To receive funding from the Foundation, charities must first complete a pre-application form which, if approved by the Foundation’s Grants Panel, is followed by a more detailed application. “The pre-application was very straightforward and was largely confined to providing a skeleton outline of the charity and its funding request,” said Mr Martel.

“The full application required us to include more detail such as our financial and operational details, as well as explaining how we are organised. When you are applying for multi-year funding you should expect to have to jump through a few more hoops than if you are asking for a smaller one-off donation.”

“Going through this process was a very useful exercise,” he added. “We ended up with a succinct and coherent narrative which will be really helpful to us going forward.”

The Foundation’s Grants Programme gives over £250,000 a year to charities. Applications, which should be for a minimum of £5,000, are accepted all year round. More details, including an application form, can be found on For more information, email or call the Foundation on 259523.

GVS runs the Russels and the Jubilee Day Centres for older people and operates the Island’s Meals on Wheels service. It also provides transport to and from the centres and runs the Blood Donor Calling Service for the Pathology Department. Mr Martel said that GVS is also seeking funds to buy new Meals on Wheels cars, update its website, and help the charity rebrand.
