John Ramplin Charitable Trust

The aim of the Trust is to donate to Guernsey registered charities to enhance the health and wellbeing of a wide section of the Bailiwick community. The majority of grants will be directed towards charities that assist low-income families, children, older people, people affected by disability or ill-health, community projects and medical research.


Grants tend to be paid to charities that assist low-income families, children, older people, people affected by disability or ill-health, community projects and medical research – although the Trustees do choose, on occasion, to donate to other causes.

What are the criteria?

All applications must come from Guernsey registered charities. The Trustees will only award grants intended to cover running costs or salaries by exception.

In compliance with the terms of the Trust, grants cannot be made to organisations whose sole aim is the promotion of political or religious beliefs.

There is no minimum or maximum amount that can be applied for, although grants generally range between £5,000 and £20,000.

All correspondence should be addressed in writing or by email to the Trustees via the Guernsey Community Foundation (GCF), which assists with administration of the grant process.

Contact us for more information or call us on 259523. We will be happy to talk you through the application process and provide support where needed.


Who can apply?

The Trust makes payments to Guernsey registered charities with a view to improving the health and wellbeing of a wide section of the Bailiwick community.

Grants tend to be paid to charities that assist low-income families, children, older people, people affected by disability or ill-health, community projects and medical research – although the Trustees do choose, on occasion, to donate to other causes. In compliance with the terms of the Trust, grants cannot be made to organisations whose sole aim is the promotion of political or religious beliefs. Grants are not normally awarded to individuals.

There is no minimum or maximum amount that can be applied for, although grants generally range between £5,000 and £20,000.   

All successful applicants will be required to confirm that funds have been spent as specified in their application and that any grants have been distributed directly to recipients.

The Trustees will only award grants intended to cover running costs or salaries by exception.


How to apply

The Guernsey Community Foundation is managing the administration of the grant process of the John Ramplin Charitable Trust. All enquiries for funding should be sent to the Foundation – we will then send you an application form if your application meets the stated criteria.

We expect organisations that work with children or vulnerable adults, including older adults, to have a safeguarding policy in place. The lack of a policy will debar your application from being processed.

Please note that you will need to submit your latest accounts and your safeguarding policy (if applicable) along with your application form.

Application Process

The Trustees consider applications once every quarter. To make an application you should:


  • Contact us at the Foundation on 259523 or email to request an application form, stating what you would like to apply for and why.
  • Complete the form electronically or by hand, including accounts and safeguarding procedures if applicable. We are happy to assist if required.
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your application and send a copy to the Trustees, who will consider it at their next meeting. If extra information is required, we will be in touch.
  • The Trustees may choose to make a decision ahead of their next scheduled meeting.

If you are successful in applying for a grant you be required to:

  • Sign an agreement to confirm that funds will be spent as specified in the application.
  • Write a report after one year setting out how the funds have been spent and describing the impact of the grant (The GCF will provide a template for this report).
  • Allow the Trustees to visit your organisation if required.

If you are unsuccessful

You will be notified in writing. You will be eligible to re-apply in future unless advised otherwise. The Trust is unable to enter into correspondence regarding any decisions the Trustees may make in relation to this application.

About the Trust

The Trust is a private Trust which was established in 2016 by the late Mr John Ramplin. The five trustees responsible for the administration of the estate are Mr David Woodland (Chairman) Mr Tony Woodland (Administrator), Mr Roger Allsopp, FRCS, Mr Timothy Sanders. and Mr Paul Bailey (Assistant Administrator). The trustees usually meet four times a year to consider applications.

About John Wallace Helson Ramplin

Born Croydon, Surrey – 28th February 1931

Died Guernsey – 6th January 2016

 John attended Tonbridge School, Tonbridge, Kent.

He worked for many years in insurance, mainly with C.J. Bowring Group as a broker and underwriter. He was an underwriting member of Lloyds of London.

Most of his working life was spent in the City of London and he was also stationed in the Far East, including Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. It was here in Guernsey he chose to spend his retirement, still actively engaged as a shareholder and Director with Guernsey Care Homes Holdings until his death.

He accumulated a substantial portfolio of shares and with some minor exceptions of a personal nature he placed the whole of his worldly possessions into a Guernsey Charitable Trust to benefit many sick, poor or aged people within our community.

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John Ramplin logo

David Woodland

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Tony Woodland

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Roger Allsopp OBE

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Timothy Sanders

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Paul Bailey

Trevor Wakefield

Trevor Wakefield

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Paddy Whitford

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Pargiter Charitable Trust

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Social Investment Fund

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Case studies
