- Launched and incubated homelessness charity At Home in Guernsey

- Launched the Nature Commission
- Funded the first paid role at Association of Guernsey Charities

- Published ‘Homelessness in Guernsey’ report
- Appointed Policy and Research Lead

- Launched the Endowment Fund
- Partnered with the Leonard Acott Foundation and expanded the grant giving programme

- Created Charity Liaison role
- Launched Charity Support Centre
- Relocated to charitable hub at KGV

- Helped launch Bailiwick Social Prescribing
- Appointed dedicated Grants Manager

Helped to oversee the establishment of the Social Investment Fund
Expanded the Foundation’s grant giving programme
Published Arts Strategy Review

Researched and created Carers Guernsey to support the needs of unpaid carers in the island
Created Arts Strategy Working Group

Published the Foundation’s first Social Finance Report

Led the creation of Guernsey Employment Trust (GET)
Launched consultancy service available to all charities

Launched Pargiter Trust grants programme

CEO appointed
Commissioned poverty research

Launched volunteer matching programme
Launched third sector training programme

Appointment of staff
Launched grants programme
Held the first Community Awards

Registered the Foundation as a charity
Private funding secured