Becoming a supporter

Thanks to the generosity of our donors we are able fund projects and services that promote social welfare, the arts, the environment, and more.

Donations to the Foundation are spent wisely in support of a more effective charitable sector and a happier, healthier Bailiwick. All funds received are spent transparently and are fully accounted for.

We are always interested in talking to potential supporters. Attracting new donors enables us to expand our programme of work.

Supporting our work

You can support the Foundation’s work in several ways: by helping to fund our operational costs, by donating to our Grants Programme Fund, or by paying into our Endowment Fund.

Assisting with running costs

When you assist with our running costs you automatically become a member of the Foundation’s Supporters Group. The Group meets at least once a year to receive a briefing on the Foundation’s work and to discuss the impact of that work.

The Foundation shares its financial statements, strategic plan, and any other documents that funders may find of interest. Funders are invited to make suggestions relating to the Foundation’s direction of travel and possible future workstreams.

In addition to the annual event, funders receive quarterly updates on Foundation activity, including details of grant payments, staff or board changes, and the latest management accounts.

Funders may request one-to-one meetings with the Foundation’s Chair, Chief Executive and/or directors at any time.

From time to time the Foundation will approach the Group via email, or call an extra meeting, if funders’ opinions and expertise are sought in relation to an issue that fundamentally affects the Foundation.

The Foundation may also approach individual funders for advice, feedback and/or funding in relation to specific projects in which the funder is expected to have a particular interest.

Contributing to the Grants Programme

Instead of or in addition to helping to meet the Foundation’s running costs, you can donate a sum of money to our Grants Programme Fund.

The Programme provides grants of £5,000 or more to local charities so that significant challenges or needs within the Bailiwick can be addressed.

We are always looking to increase the size of this Fund. Click on the button below for more information on our Grants Programme.

Contributing to our Endowment Fund

The Foundation operates an endowment fund into which benefactors can make one-off donations. Once the fund reaches an appreciable size, it will generate income and capital gains for distribution to local charities via the Foundation’s Grants Programme.

This extra injection of funds will allow the Foundation to give charities support over a sustained period, enabling them to focus on the delivery of core services.

The Foundation’s investment policy gives more information about the operation of the Fund and the sub-committee that looks after it on behalf of the board.

Want to know more?

If you would like to find out more, please contact the Foundation’s Chief Executive, Jim Roberts, at
