Company information

The Foundation’s principal objects are to promote philanthropy and charitable giving, primarily in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, and to bring about real improvements to the community and to the lives of the people most in need.

Activity Reports

In 2023 we began producing an annual activity report, summarising the achievements, impacts and operations of the Foundation across the year.

2023 Activity Report

Activity report 2023

Impact Reviews

From 2010 to 2018, we published impact reports to distribute at our annual Community Awards
Impact Review 2018
Review 2017-2018
Impact Review 2016
Review 2015-2016
Impact Review 2015
Review 2014-2015
Impact Review 2014
Review 2013-2014
Impact Review 2013
Review 2012-2013
Impact Review 2012
Review 2010-2012

Annual reports

Our financial year is 30 April. Externally audited financial statements are reviewed and approved by the Board and presented to our supporters
Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 April 2023
Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 April 2022
Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 April 2021
Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 April 2020
Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 April 2019